August 5, 2012


Well, My first blogger award. Yay to mee. 

Quite a sweet name for an award, which means the same. German for Sweet and Adorable.
The Liebster is meant for blogs that motivate, inspire, and have 200 followers or less. It is also a way to show love, encouragement, and appreciation to fellow bloggers, as well as to introduce them to new readers.
I received this honor from a fellow blogger/Friend, should add one of the awesome bloggers I know in this blogosphere, Anupam. Do check out his blog REFLECTIONS, I am pretty much sure that you might not want to miss reading it.
Thanks Anupam for the award, and Congrats to you too.

For the rules,

1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger has asked you & make 11 questions for the people you are going to tag.
3. Tag 11 more Bloggers and Tell the people whom you tagged.
No tagging back.

11 about me:

1. Music lover.
2. Chocolate addict.
3. I love the interpretation of concepts between Science and Philosophy. Super interesting.
4. I love getting lost in thoughts, and silence.
5. I forgive, But rarely forget.
6. I am both introvert and extrovert, can say 60-40.
7. I like everything about fashion and home design. 
8. Three things i do mostly when I am depressed, I hear Linkin Park, I sleep for long hours and I shop a lot till I am broke.
9. I am control freak, I hate anyone or anything that would leverage control on me.
10. I like hearing happy news, even from people I don't know. It arouses a nice good feel inside.
11. I go about in Life by FEEL. No reasons or facts or practicality. Just a FEEL for things.

And yes, Writing about self is really difficult task, especially when we got to compile in such a number.

Eleven questions for me :-

1] 'Checkered blue n white' or 'black'?


2] Curtains or no curtains?

No Curtains.

3] Hardcover, paperback or ebooks?


4] What's your ambiance while writing?

Silence, Airy and well-Illuminated. The Terrace for instance.

5] Do you plan to publish a novel?

Have a Dream.

6] Do you like to make a gift for your loved one or do you rather buy?

I buy, but it should be good enough to make moments.

7] Which is the most beautiful color according to you?

Lavender and Blue.

8] What’s your mantra in life?

Get drifted and Go along with the flow of life. Feel and Live every moment, whatever Life brings you. 

9] Have you ever thought of becoming a soldier in your life?


10] Do you have stage fear?


11] ‘Mickey mouse/ Aladin/Duck Tales’ or ‘ Shin Chan/ Doraemon/ Kitretsu’?

Mickey Mouse.

And the 11 questions for the ones I tag:

The same 11 questions.

1] 'Checkered blue n white' or 'black'?
2] Curtains or no curtains?
3] Hardcover, paperback or ebooks?
4] What's your ambiance while writing?
5] Do you plan to publish a novel?
6] Do you like to make a gift for your loved one or do you rather buy?
7] Which is the most beautiful color according to you?
8] What’s your mantra in life?
9] Have you ever thought of becoming a soldier in your life?
10] Do you have stage fear?
11] ‘Mickey mouse/ Aladin/Duck Tales’ or ‘ Shin Chan/ Doraemon/ Kitretsu’?

So happy. :-) :-)

August 1, 2012

A random pic on a traffic stop.

Here goes my first Capture for the August Break 2012.
Have fun everyone!


August Break. No, Not a Breakfrom blogging. Just more like the fun break where we do a lot of fun things.
This Fun-time is the brain child of Susannah Conway, the activity is actually less "stressing" than many of the many. No rules. Full of Pics. And all Interesting.

Well, I would ask all of you to check out the activity here, And join us, and Me. :-)

Let's have some fun in sharing captured frames everyday.