Sometimes, I get inspired by the belief/conception that I am one of the fortunate to be driven by the flow of life, and someone who could feel the drive, someone who is not afraid or apprehensive about the unpredictability of the next step in the ride.
I am at an altitude of 20k and a temperature of minus fifty, with the moon right beside my window. Have always dreamt of this. Ya the moon sure works magic on me. But never imagined.
I have always been amazed by the moon. The shine though may not be self, reflects and brings out the serenity within. We are all a moon, in that context. The light within us may and wouldn't have come from within us, but the feel, beliefs, and thoughts that go around our worlds impact and form the base of how we perceive and reflect things.
I tried clicking wit my touch but unsuccessful.
Unpredictability. One of the fine characteristics of Life.
But then it's perfectly fine .
Life last month was something I hadn't imagined to happen in the present course of time.
If a dream were to be so real and reality to be so dreamy.
Sometimes, you tend to stand for a moment and think, am i living in a dream?
That's how it happens, when after years of living in a small town with it's raw genuinity and other times in the hectic lifestyle of a big city, and then coming to a place that seems, looks, feels to be the exotic awesome place in the entire universe. Neither big nor advanced, but organised and peaceful and reserved to it's own world.
Kind of reminds me of myself, being in one's own world.
A World in it's own World.
Awesomeness and Perfection are the words that come to my mind when seeing in and around Holland.
Never in my dreams have i imagined to goto Europe, maybe a dream with a subdued fear that it is too high for me and an explicit knowing that it won't happen.
Very well, we could imagine the feel we get when we walk in the reality with our dream shoes.
I wanted to pen down each and every day of my 6-week-Life here, but sometimes when things are so like awesome, we tend to Live it and keep the moments in heart than having few minutes of the day to write down.
Still, i wanna pen down, just to feel everytime what i felt when i lived the dream. Maybe I will.
So smooth and so chilled out. Away from all bothering elements and stress. And a stop to the hope for peace.
Uncertainty of life never ceases to amaze me. How we all get drifted by dreams, if only we believe enough to realise them.
I dont know whether I could live the perfection again. But again I accept the way of life,
Continuos perfection may lead to stagnancy in the thrill to live and chase dreams.
Maybe a self proclaimed view or a self consoling thought. Still sounds quite good.
Life is like that.
Never cease to dream but then never be doubtful or held by flow of life. Start enjoying it and live it. Trust me, you will feel life, The life in your life. :-)
Which reminds me I should stop typing and continue with my ride.
And ya, typing in iPod is less fun than writing.
----- Scribbled on the way back to reality from dreamland.
Vini :-)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch