November 22, 2011


     Sometimes, I get inspired by the belief/conception that I am one of the fortunate to be driven by the flow of life, and someone who could feel the drive, someone who is not afraid or apprehensive about the unpredictability of the next step in the ride.


     I am at an altitude of 20k and a temperature of minus fifty, with the moon right beside my window. Have always dreamt of this. Ya the moon sure works magic on me. But never imagined.

     I have always been amazed by the moon. The shine though may not be self, reflects and brings out the serenity within. We are all a moon, in that context. The light within us may and wouldn't have come from within us, but the feel, beliefs, and thoughts that go around our worlds impact and form the base of how we perceive and reflect things.


     I tried clicking wit my touch but unsuccessful.

     Unpredictability. One of the fine characteristics of Life.

     But then it's perfectly fine .

     Life last month was something I hadn't imagined to happen in the present course of time.

     If a dream were to be so real and reality to be so dreamy.
Sometimes, you tend to stand for a moment and think, am i living in a dream?

     That's how it happens, when after years of living in a small town with it's raw genuinity and other times in the hectic lifestyle of a big city, and then coming to a place that seems, looks, feels to be the exotic awesome place in the entire universe. Neither big nor advanced, but organised and peaceful and reserved to it's own world.

     Kind of reminds me of myself, being in one's own world.

     A World in it's own World.

     Awesomeness and Perfection are the words that come to my mind when seeing in and around Holland.

     Never in my dreams have i imagined to goto Europe, maybe a dream with a subdued fear that it is too high for me and an explicit knowing that it won't happen.

     Very well, we could imagine the feel we get when we walk in the reality with our dream shoes.

     I wanted to pen down each and every day of my 6-week-Life here, but sometimes when things are so like awesome, we tend to Live it and keep the moments in heart than having few minutes of the day to write down.

     Still, i wanna pen down, just to feel everytime what i felt when i lived the dream. Maybe I will.

     So smooth and so chilled out. Away from all bothering elements and stress. And a stop to the hope for peace.

     Uncertainty of life never ceases to amaze me. How we all get drifted by dreams, if only we believe enough to realise them.

     I dont know whether I could live the perfection again. But again I accept the way of life,

Continuos perfection may lead to stagnancy in the thrill to live and chase dreams.
Maybe a self proclaimed view or a self consoling thought. Still sounds quite good.

     Life is like that.
Never cease to dream but then never be doubtful or held by flow of life. Start enjoying it and live it. Trust me, you will feel life, The life in your life. :-)

     Which reminds me I should stop typing and continue with my ride.

And ya, typing in iPod is less fun than writing.

----- Scribbled on the way back to reality from dreamland.

Vini :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

June 4, 2011

Incidently, World's a Stage.

     Sometimes, We never want to face the harsh reality, and so we choose to be blind, We prefer to stay in darkness and we firmly believe the illusion of Darkness being the normal way.
     We don't want to see the Truth, We act, along with the "atmosphere", that Everything is fine.
     We laugh and talk casually, though all along and deep inside our Hearts, We know and feel that something is not Right. Something is really missing.


     We build a sand castle for hours. Though we are aware of the Truth that if we go back to our little castle, there is high probability that it won't exist. This makes us to avoid going back, keeps us from turning back to catch a glimpse of our small work. All we do is to keep walking on, with the beautiful picture of our possession in mind and a firm belief that things are still the same.

     Life. . . .

     We know, Things don't stay the same way we left.  We could guess the ingenuity of words, We could see the True faces behind the masks, And we do feel the Discomfort in an artificially constructed scene.
     And Us. . . We do not want to disturb the calm, though improper, Waters. We are scared of the Truth, And the Fear of Harsh Reality weighs more than the Friction of Falseness. 

     And we just do, what seems to be the Best-for-all choice. . .

     We ignore the taunts of our inner-sense, and With an indifferent and tired smile, We put on our own Masks and carry on with our Act.

      Cos', Ultimately, The Play has to go on. .

May 3, 2011


     "A Prisoner's Diary". Well, That's how a diary, of anyone for that matter, would be most of the times referred to as. Kind of a popular expression used.

     That day, i was writing my journal as usual (not that usual, owing to my laziness and procrastinating the same) and my friend casually joked that one fine day my diary would be published as "Another Prisoner's Diary" and be the Best-seller. Well, how i wish i write some "Sense" in my journal for that to happen. :-P Anyways, it sounded nice though.

     But the Caption? It may have come from the popular tag, but doesn't suit my writing.
It doesn't suit anyone, unless they have been held captive in a dark room with a light from a small window, too high to be reached, and located in an isolated island. (Just an imaginative desc)

     Yes, Right. We are free. Independent. Decisive. Rightful. Strong. Powerful. Living.

     So. . . When was the last time when we had to bury our Dream to keep living in the "REAL" world?
     Did It ever happen to us, that we Crushed our Identity to hold onto a Bond, a Bond of Love threatened by our Individuality?
     How many times We had to say a point-blank NO, Due to the Scenes of stern faces that crop up inside our heads, when our Heart is shouting Madly an YES inside us?
     And How many times have We Trusted our Instincts/Feelings/Heart, rather than the Standing Facts, and proceeded with a brave heart?

     Nope. I don't think it ever happens with us. We are Free. Not bonded, chained or segregated.  **I Hope IRONY is obvious in my Tone**

     Well, we are not enslaved, yet we can't be free-willed.
     We always find something to go amiss.
     Nevertheless, we prefer to be chained even if we Yearn to fly high or Get Lost far away.

     Prisoners in some way or the other.
     A Prisoner, Sometimes to the rules imposed by others and the "society"-since-1800 and other times by the stitched framework for ourselves by Us.
     A Prisoner, to 'Bonds' of Love and to 'Chains' of Influence.
     A Prisoner, of the Never-ending sequels of Everyday Drama of Life, the sanity of mind in facing the Varied Sentiments of Humanity and also the Hatred of small Minds, and of the Hard ways of Sacrifices we make with the Strong beliefs and Passions of Ours to the Cause of holding onto the Normality of Emotions, Undisturbed. 

Let's take a Stand. Life, be it short or long, should be in our way, However Logical or impractical.

     Live a Dream everyday. And show the World that Our Thoughts are no Less than the Value of the Existing Theories of survivals.
     Cos' Sometimes, Sunken ships in High and Wild Tides tell Stories Much Lovelier than Silent Journeys on Commonly-used Surface.


March 29, 2011

A Gap-Fill.

     Well, To start with, this post is just an indicator to the existence of my good-old-non-stop thinking and love for writing, which gets conquered most of the times by laziness.

     All the same, i happen to go through few blogs that got me attached to them as well bring back the Feel to write. Hence i felt the need to start with something somewhere, and even if i don't continue, the start RE-Start is what matters this time. 

     Passion, i suppose, should have a Hold, especially when it does not come under our career scope and the "career-work" takes almost the whole day of a day. I have been thinking about this Hold lately. This Hold would be the key to take Passion seriously, and not get caught in the dreary travel of daily life.

     This World is filled with Dreams, Dreams that got unattended lost the Addresses somewhere in the daily walk of Life, Dreams that at a later point of time got tagged as a Regret and got trashed in some bin with a Sigh; Dreams that would make us fall in love with life and walk us through the blocks and hurdles, that would be the reason for smiles and send positive vibes through channels of co-dreams.

     And though i know the value of my dreams, Here i am, talking about a Hold, a Hold for the Dreams that are a Hold itself for anyone who feel that they are hanging in a cliff and heading down. If it means that the Dream would stay alive and not just within my head, than it is perfectly fine even if i sound a weak person who is desperate to show off "i-am-good-at-this" attitude. 

     A Hold, about which i may not define or discuss here, or write down the ideas on it, or even accept the fact that i still have no clue about it. But i can guarantee one thing, when i seem to be doing justice to my own interests, you could be sure that i would have and am trying out all possible ways to work on the works i am passionate about.

     If there are some stories of some Dreams and interests in some corner of this world, and how they are breathing in the universe, Kindly Share it here. :-)

     In the End, Life is all about, not the heights we reach or properties we earn, but how we Lived our Dreams and valued our Life. :-)
And the Joy gets multiplied when we find fellow Dreamers of this World. A Fraternity of Dreamers, supporting and inspiring each other.

P.S.: I suppose this Gap-fill would be a Hold too, to overcome the emptiness here. Now for the Gap-fill in my Photoblog. :-P